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Quickest smoothy

It would be ideal to have fresh smoothy every morning, but preparing smoothy is not that easy actually. My tip for the efficient smoothy making is always having frozen fruits/veggies in stock. To my recent surprise, supermarket has good selection of frozen fruits, so I like to buy mangos and berries (avocado is good, too).

Strawberries are also good to store frozen, but I prefer making it by myself (cost-wise, I think it's cheaper). To avoid them sticking together while being frozen, let's sprinkle light touch of sugar. Similarly I make frozen celery after cutting them into small pieces.

I think greens are better in fresh (rather than frozen),so I try to use fresh greens as much as possible.

When making smoothy, frozen fruits/veggies are too cold to blend and also too cold to drink especially in winter, so I learn warming any kind of milk first then put ingredients works super well.






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